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Elle Hersperger

Digital Marketing Intern

Elle Hersperger 2023 Profile Picture


Elle is going to be a Senior at the University of

Wisconsin - La Crosse this Fall. She is majoring in Marketing with a minor in Organizational and Professional Communication. Her past experience as an intern in the events industry with Wausau Event has helped her build the skills needed to succeed in a digital marketing position. She is creative, hardworking, and always up for a challenge.

My Favorites

Shiplap Wall

TV Shows

  1. Brooklyn 99

  2. New Girl

  3. Ugly Betty

  4. Yellowstone

  5. The Witcher


  1. The Princess Bride

  2. Cars

  3. Ella Enchanted

  4. Southpaw

  5. Blackswan


  1. Lana Del Rey

  2. The Weekend

  3. SZA

  4. Elvis

  5. The Beatles

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