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10 Marketing Tactics and Strategies for Your Dental Practice

Updated: May 30, 2023


As a dental practice, it is essential to stay current on the latest marketing tactics and strategies in order to attract new patients and retain existing ones. This is because effective marketing is crucial for the success of any business, and the dental industry is no exception. In this blog, we will delve into 10 of the best marketing tactics and strategies specifically geared towards dentistry.

These tactics and strategies include video production, graphic design, and paid search, among others. By implementing these tactics and strategies, your dental practice can effectively reach out to potential patients and establish a strong online presence.

Video production, for example, can be a powerful tool for marketing a dental practice. By creating engaging and informative videos, you can showcase your practice, introduce your team, and explain your services in a way that is easy for potential patients to understand. Graphic design, on the other hand, is important for creating a cohesive and professional image for your dental practice. This can include everything from your website design to your business cards and promotional materials.

Finally, paid search, also known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, allows you to reach potential patients through search engine results pages (SERPs). By creating targeted ads and bidding on keywords related to your practice, you can attract interested individuals to your website.

Overall, by implementing these marketing tactics and strategies, your dental practice can effectively reach out to potential patients and build a strong online presence. By staying up-to-date on the latest marketing tactics and strategies, you can ensure that your practice stays competitive in the ever-evolving world of dentistry.

Table of Contents:

  1. Video Production

  2. Graphic Design

  3. Paid Search

  4. Social Media Marketing

  5. Email Marketing

  6. Content Marketing

  7. Local SEO

  8. Referral Programs

  9. Online Reviews and Testimonials

  10. Patient Education and Engagement

Video Production

Video is a powerful tool for marketing a dental practice. By creating engaging and informative videos, you can showcase your practice, introduce your team, and explain your services in a way that is easy for potential patients to understand. You can also use video to highlight patient testimonials and show the results of your work. There are several ways that you can use video to market your dental practice, including creating videos for your website and social media channels, as well as using video ads to reach a wider audience.

One way to use video to market your dental practice is by creating videos for your website and social media channels. These videos can be used to introduce your team, showcase your practice, and explain your services in a way that is easy for potential patients to understand. You can also use these videos to highlight patient testimonials and show the results of your work. By creating engaging and informative videos, you can establish your practice as a reliable resource for dental care and attract interested individuals to your website.

Another way to use video to market your dental practice is by using video ads to reach a wider audience. Video ads can be used on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to reach potential patients who may not be familiar with your practice. By creating targeted video ads that are relevant to your target audience, you can attract interested individuals to your website and drive traffic to your practice.

If you are looking for help with video production for your dental practice, Elevate Media Group can assist you. Elevate Media Group is a full-service video production company that specializes in creating engaging and informative videos for businesses. We have a team of experienced professionals who can help you create high-quality videos that showcase your practice and explain your services in a way that is easy for potential patients to understand. By working with Elevate Media Group, you can benefit from our expertise and experience in video production, and you can use video to effectively market your dental practice.

Overall, video is a powerful tool for marketing a dental practice. By creating engaging and informative videos and using them on your website and social media channels, as well as through video ads, you can effectively reach potential patients and establish your practice as a reliable resource for dental care. By working with Elevate Media Group, you can benefit from our expertise and experience in video production, and you can use video to effectively market your dental practice.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is important for building a cohesive and professional image for your dental practice. This can include everything from your website design to your business cards and promotional materials. By working with a professional graphic designer, you can create a visual identity that reflects your practice's values and distinguishes you from your competition.

In the context of a dental practice, graphic design can be used to create a cohesive and professional image in a number of ways. For example, your website design should be visually appealing and easy to navigate, and it should also reflect the values and personality of your practice. Your business cards and promotional materials, such as brochures and flyers, should also be well-designed and professional, and they should convey the key information about your practice in an easily digestible format.

By working with a professional graphic designer, you can create a visual identity for your dental practice that reflects your values and distinguishes you from your competition. A professional graphic designer will have the skills and expertise to create visually appealing and effective designs that will help your practice stand out in a crowded market.

If you are looking for help with graphic design for your dental practice, Elevate Media Group can assist you.

Elevate Media Group is a full-service marketing and design agency that specializes in creating cohesive and professional designs for businesses. We have a team of experienced graphic designers who can help you create a visual identity for your practice that reflects your values and distinguishes you from your competition. By working with Elevate Media Group, you can benefit from our expertise and experience in graphic design, and you can create a professional and cohesive image for your dental practice.

Overall, graphic design is important for building a cohesive and professional image for your dental practice. By working with a professional graphic designer, you can create a visual identity that reflects your practice's values and distinguishes you from your competition. By working with Elevate Media Group, you can benefit from our expertise and experience in graphic design, and you can create a professional and cohesive image for your dental practice.

Paid Search

Paid search, also known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, is a marketing strategy that allows you to reach potential patients through search engine results pages (SERPs). By creating targeted ads and bidding on keywords related to your practice, you can attract interested individuals to your website. Paid search can be a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your site and increase the visibility of your practice.

In the context of a dental practice, paid search can be an effective way to reach potential patients who are searching for dental care in your area. By creating targeted ads and bidding on keywords related to your practice, you can attract interested individuals to your website and drive traffic to your practice. For example, if you are a dentist in Wisconsin or Minnesota, you might create an ad that targets people searching for "dentist in Midwest" or "dentist in La Crosse Wisconsin" and bid on that keyword, in this case, a "long-tail keyword." When someone searches for that keyword, your ad will appear in the search results, and if they click on your ad, they will be taken to your website.

One key to a successful paid search for a dental practice is to create targeted ads that are relevant to your target audience. This means understanding what your potential patients are searching for and creating ads that address their needs and concerns. For example, if you are targeting parents, you might create ads that focus on pediatric dental care, or if you are targeting seniors, you might create ads that focus on dental care for older adults. By tailoring your ads to your target audience, you can better engage with potential patients and increase the chances of success for your paid search campaign.

If you are looking for help with paid search for your dental practice, Elevate Media Group can assist you. Elevate Media Group is a full-service marketing and design agency that specialized in creating effective paid search campaigns for businesses. We have a team of experienced professionals who can help you create targeted ads and bid on the right keywords to reach your target audience. By working with Elevate Media Group, you can benefit from our expertise and experience in paid search, and you can effectively use this marketing strategy to drive traffic to your practice and increase its visibility.

Overall, paid search is a cost-effective way to reach potential patients through search engine results pages and drive traffic to your dental practice. By creating targeted ads and bidding on the right keywords, you can attract interested individuals to your website and increase the visibility of your practice. By working with Elevate Media Group, you can benefit from our expertise and experience in paid search, and you can effectively use this marketing strategy to drive traffic to your practice and increase its visibility.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with potential and current patients. By creating a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can share updates about your practice, promote special offers, and engage with your audience. You can also use social media to respond to patient inquiries and reviews, which can help build trust and establish your practice as a reliable resource.

In the context of a dental practice, social media can be a powerful marketing tool for several reasons. First, it allows you to share updates about your practice and promote special offers to your followers. For example, you might use social media to announce new services or promotions, or to share educational content about oral hygiene. By sharing relevant and engaging content on social media, you can attract interested individuals to your practice and build your online presence.

Second, social media also allows you to engage with your audience and respond to patient inquiries and reviews. By actively participating in online conversations and responding to patient inquiries and reviews, you can build trust and establish your practice as a reliable resource for dental care. This is especially important in today's digital age, as many people rely on online reviews and recommendations when choosing a healthcare provider.

Finally, social media can also be used to drive traffic to your website and increase the visibility of your practice. By regularly posting updates and engaging with your followers, you can attract interested individuals to your website and build your online presence.

Overall, social media is a powerful tool for connecting with potential and current patients and building trust in your dental practice. By creating a strong presence on social media, sharing updates and special offers, and engaging with your audience, you can effectively use this marketing strategy to reach potential patients and establish your practice as a reliable resource for dental care.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a useful way to stay in touch with patients and promote your dental practice. By collecting email addresses from patients and interested individuals, you can send newsletters, updates, and special offers to keep them informed and engaged. Email marketing can be an effective way to reach patients and promote your practice, as long as you follow best practices such as personalizing your emails and segmenting your list to ensure that you are sending relevant and targeted messages.

In the context of a dental practice, email marketing can be a powerful marketing tool for several reasons. First, it allows you to stay in touch with patients and keep them informed about your practice. You can use email marketing to send newsletters that provide updates about your practice, such as new services or promotions, or to share educational content about oral hygiene. By regularly sending emails to your patients, you can keep them informed about your practice and build trust in your practice.

Second, email marketing also allows you to promote your practice and drive traffic to your website. You can use email marketing to send special offers or promotions to your patients, or to announce events or open houses at your practice. By including links to your website in your emails, you can drive traffic to your website and increase the visibility of your practice.

Finally, email marketing can also be used to personalize your messages and segment your list to ensure that you are sending relevant and targeted messages to your patients. By segmenting your list, you can send targeted messages to specific groups of patients based on their interests and needs. For example, you might send a newsletter about pediatric dental care to parents, or you might send an email about dental implants to seniors. By personalizing your emails and segmenting your list, you can ensure that you are sending relevant and targeted messages to your patients, which can help improve the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing strategy that involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content with the goal of attracting and retaining a clearly defined audience. In the context of a dental practice, content marketing can be a powerful way to establish your practice as a thought leader in the field and attract interested individuals to your website.

There are many different types of content that a dental practice can create as part of a content marketing strategy. This can include blog posts, articles, infographics, and other types of content that provide value to potential patients. For example, a dental practice might create blog posts that provide tips on oral hygiene, articles that explain the benefits of different dental procedures, or infographics that visualize the process of getting a dental implant. By producing informative and engaging content, you can establish your practice as a reliable resource for dental care and attract interested individuals to your website.

One key to effective content marketing for a dental practice is to focus on creating content that is valuable and relevant to your target audience. This means understanding what your potential patients are interested in and creating content that addresses their needs and concerns. For example, if you are targeting parents, you might create content that focuses on oral hygiene for children, or if you are targeting seniors, you might create content that focuses on dental care for older adults. By tailoring your content to your target audience, you can better engage with potential patients and build trust in your practice.

In addition to creating valuable and relevant content, it is also important to be consistent in your content marketing efforts. This means regularly publishing new content on your website and sharing it on your social media channels. By consistently producing new content, you can keep your website fresh and interesting to potential patients, and you can also keep your practice top-of-mind with existing patients.

Overall, content marketing can be a powerful marketing strategy for dental practices. By creating valuable, relevant, and consistent content, you can establish your practice as a thought leader in the field and attract interested individuals to your website. By focusing on these strategies, you can effectively use content marketing to drive growth for your practice.

Local SEO

Local SEO, or local search engine optimization, refers to the process of optimizing your website and online presence to rank higher in search engine results for specific geographic locations. This is an important marketing strategy for dental practices, as many patients search for nearby dentists when they are looking for dental care. By optimizing your website for local keywords and building local citations (mentions of your practice on other websites), you can improve your visibility in local search results and attract more nearby patients.

In the context of a dental practice, there are several specific strategies you can use to optimize your website for local SEO. One of the most important things you can do is to ensure that your practice's name, address, and phone number (also known as NAP) are consistent across all of your online listings and directories. This includes your website, social media profiles, and any online directories or listings that you are listed on. By having consistent NAP information, you can help search engines understand that your practice is located in a specific geographic location and should appear in local search results.

Finally, building local citations is also important for local SEO. Local citations are mentions of your practice's NAP information on other websites, such as online directories or review sites. These citations help search engines understand that your practice is a real and legitimate business, and they can also help improve your visibility in local search results. To build local citations, you can list your practice on online directories like Yelp, Google My Business, and local Chamber of Commerce websites, as well as asking satisfied patients to leave reviews on these websites.

Overall, by optimizing your website for local SEO and building local citations, you can improve your visibility in local search results and attract more nearby patients to your dental practice. By focusing on these strategies, you can establish your practice as a trusted resource for dental care in your community.

Referral Programs

Referral programs are a type of marketing strategy in which a business rewards its customers or clients for referring new business to the company. In the context of a dental practice, a referral program can be a powerful way to attract new patients and retain existing ones.

There are several ways that dental offices can utilize referral programs effectively. One way is by offering incentives to current patients who refer their friends and family to the practice. This could be in the form of a discount on future services, a gift card, or some other type of reward. By offering incentives, you can encourage your patients to spread the word about your practice and bring in new business.

Another way to utilize referral programs effectively is by providing excellent service to your current patients. When patients have a positive experience at your practice, they are more likely to recommend it to others. Therefore, it is important to focus on providing high-quality care and customer service to your current patients in order to encourage them to refer their friends and family to your practice.

In addition to offering incentives and providing excellent service, it is also important to make it easy for patients to refer others to your practice. This could include providing referral cards or flyers, or setting up a referral program on your website. By making it easy for patients to refer others to your practice, you can increase the chances of success for your referral program.

Overall, referral programs can be a powerful way for dental practices to attract new patients and retain existing ones. By offering incentives, providing excellent service, and making it easy for patients to refer others to your practice, you can effectively utilize this marketing strategy and drive growth for your business.

Online Reviews and Testimonials

Online reviews and testimonials can be a powerful tool for marketing a dental practice. By collecting and displaying positive reviews and testimonials from patients, you can build trust and credibility in your practice. In today's digital age, many people rely on online reviews and recommendations when choosing a healthcare provider, and having a strong online reputation can be a major factor in attracting new patients. In addition to attracting new patients, online reviews and testimonials can also help retain current patients and encourage them to continue using your pracice.

Patient Education

Patient education and engagement can be beneficial for a dental practice in several ways. By providing patients with information about oral hygiene, dental procedures, and other relevant topics, you can help them better understand their dental health and how to take care of their teeth. This can help prevent future dental problems and improve patient outcomes. In addition to improving patient outcomes, patient education and engagement can also help build trust and establish your practice as a reliable resource for dental care. By engaging with patients and answering their questions, you can demonstrate your expertise and commitment to their dental health. This can help build trust in your practice and encourage patients to continue using your services.


In conclusion, implementing effective marketing tactics and strategies is essential for any dental practice looking to attract new patients and retain current ones. In this blog, we covered 10 of the best marketing tactics and strategies for dentistry, including video production, graphic design, paid search, social media, email marketing, online reviews and testimonials, patient education and engagement, content marketing, local SEO, and referral programs. By implementing these tactics and strategies, your dental practice can effectively reach out to potential patients, build trust and credibility, and establish itself as a reliable resource for dental care.

Whether you are a small, independent practice or a large group, there are marketing tactics and strategies that can help you grow and succeed. The key is to find the right mix of tactics and strategies that work best for your practice and your target audience, and to continuously track and measure your results to ensure that you are making progress and meeting your marketing goals.

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